What Does Intimacy With God ACTUALLY Look Like?! Inspiration from Simply Feli
We talk about intimacy with God all the time but what does that actually look like practically? Feli from “Simply Feli TV” shares her heart and some tips on how to connect deeply to the heart of God. Feli says “I just want people to have a more dynamic and intimate relationship with Jesus. That’s me in a nut shell really.” Be sure to check out more of her videos on her Youtube page – they’re so inspiring and relevant: https://www.youtube.com/c/simplyfelivision

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Artist Spotlight and Inspiration: Hannah Schaefer on Her Song All The Way
“Through my music I want people to experience the work of the Holy Spirit…I want to bring hope, faith and love with every song I sing/write and change lives.” 
– Hannah Schaefer
For this Artist Spotlight feature 19-year-old Hannah Schaefer introduces herself and the story and passion behind her music and the song “All the Way” which reminds us that we’re never alone no matter what we face in life and when living our purpose – I was so encouraged by the message! Take a listen to the song below and click here to get her EP on iTunes!
Hannah’s Story
I grew up in the small town of Columbia City, Indiana. My childhood memories consists of catching frogs on warm summer nights at my grandparents lake house and, in the winter time, pretending to be a professional snow boarder down the hill in my backyard. I’ve loved growing up in a flyover state where Jesus is frequently the center of it all.
In high school I was heavily involved in ANYTHING musical. I was apart of many things, but my main focus was show choir and youth activities at my church. I would sing and lead the congregation at church; loving every bit of it. I studied classically for a few years and after high school graduation, I planned on attending Indiana University with a scholarship to study Vocal Performance.
Even after I made my college decision, I could just feel the Lord calling me to do bigger and better things for Him. About two weeks after my graduation party, It really hit me that the calling was to pursue becoming a Christian Artist. I just knew that was what I was suppose to do. So, I took a great leap of faith and told my parents (which was pretty scary) then gave up my scholarship.
“I had gotten so caught up in the world that I had forgotten to relax and trust my God…”
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I Waited For You: P4CM Artist Janette…ikz Shares her Heart at Her Wedding in the Follow Up To “I Will Wait For You”
She might be best known for her spoken word poem “I Will Wait,” a piece about waiting on God to write her love story and bring her mate into her life but spoken word artist Janette…ikz now can say “I Waited For You” – the title of her new piece that she stated as her vows at her wedding to her husband! Watch the moving video and let us know what you think!
Janette…ikz and her husband Matt shared their journey and great tips for singles and couples in the weeks leading up to the wedding. Watch the episodes of their series here…
Below watch the original video that became a Youtube hit, “I Will Wait for You”:
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Dating With Purpose Series by Ashley Empowers
I’ve been enjoying the Dating with Purpose series by Ashley Brown where she interviews couples about dating on purpose, preparing for marriage and having a relationship led by God. Check out this episode with Kait & Brad Ballinger.
Interview Description
On this channel we celebrate LOVE. We celebrate what it looks like to be in a relationship where both individuals seek after God’s own heart. I had the pleasure of interviewing Brad & Kait about their “Dating With Purpose” journey. After this interview I left inspired, filled with hope and brimming over with joy. Godly couples do exist. And not only do they exist, they thrive… #DatingWithPurpose
If you are enjoying this series and would like to see more interviews, ” Subscribe” today!
If you would like to participate in this series or have a recommendation please email info@ashleyempowers.com.
Follow, Subscribe, & Share with a friend!
Social Media:
(Host-Ashley): @AshleyEmpowers
Kait: @Kaitsunflower
Brad: @captaincrux“Like” the “AshleyEmpowers” Facebook Page Today! https://www.facebook.com/ashleyempowers
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Dream On: The Revolve Tour 2012 is Coming to a City Near You
If you’re a teen girl be sure to check out The Revolve Tour 2012 – Dream On, coming to a city near you!
Featuring: Stellar Kart, Jamie Grace, Jenna Lucado Bishop, Chad Eastham, Courtney Clark Cleveland, Harris III, and KJ-52
It’s back! Don’t miss Dream On, the 2012 production of The Revolve Tour! We’ll be in Rochester, NY on March 3, 2012 with real-life stories, dance-worthy music, and more fun than you can handle combined in a high-energy, inspirational, life-changing Saturday event for teen girls!
Visit http://www.revolvetour.com to find out more and to register!
Click here for our coverage and pictures from last year’s Revolve Tour!
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“Show Some Love” Youtube Pick: Your Life Has Purpose – You’re Not Alone (From FarAwayDistance)
In our SOAR Youtube picks we feature young people who are using their creativity to share the message of God’s word through videos. Want to share your video? Send us a message here…
In this SOAR Youtube pick, two teens, Shirley and her friend Abby, share a moving message to let you know how much you are loved and how your life has purpose, no matter what you may be going through. They share the story of how they and their school were affected by a suicide by a classmate, and give encouragement to others about the love of God that never fails:
You can subscribe to Shirley’s Youtube channel at http://youtube.com/user/FarAwayDistance for more of her creative and inspiring videos. For Valentine’s Day she posted tips on what you can do if you’re single, (which make great tips for any Friday night you’re feeling alone:).
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Message Pick: 5 Things Every Adult Should Know from Axis
For this Soul Connection Message Pick, here’s “5 Things Every Adult Should Know” from Axis, the 18-20+ community at Willow Creek Community Church. If you live near South Barrington, IL, check out their Gatherings every Wednesday night.
Message Notes:
– What do some of the plots of children’s movies in America tell us about the messages we give to kids about adulthood?
– “How do we begin to move out of our passivity and out of our consumption to begin to experience life in a real way?”
– “Life’s not about you, it’s about something way bigger than you, you just get to be apart of it…”
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Hear Their Stories: Testimonies From Young Believer’s Broadcast
If you are looking for something on TV both intriguing to watch and that portrays truth, the Young Believer’s Broadcast is the show for you…
YBBtv is designed for young adults by young adults with the goal to provide quality Christian media to help your relationship with Jesus Christ grow. It has a variety of creative and edgy segments that delve deep into issues of faith and themes that young adults and teens face everyday.
The program broadcasts on Saturday nights on DirectTV 378 and SkyAngel 126. Check out the intro for the show below:
Below are some moving testimonies from teens and young adults on trials they’ve faced, from YBBtv:
Alyssa spent time giving herself to others, but at a breaking point realized what it meant to give herself to Christ…
Andrew who only knew routine and faked his way through life’s circumstances, got real with a real God…
Will found out that he couldn’t rely on basketball and his image to fulfill him, and discovered true purpose…
Sarah’s world was spinning out of control. Struggling with anorexia, she found out that handing over the reins was what she needed all along…
Connect with YBBtv on the Websites Below:
Watch Clips Online at: http://vimeo.com/channels/ybbtv
Watch Full Episodes Free On ITunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/young-believers-broadcast/id163914910
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ybbtv
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/ybbtv
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TV for YOUth: Check the Sound Featuring Artists like Trip Lee and Krystal Meyers
Positive TV programming for teens might be scarce these days but the show Check the Sound is a great option that stands out and rocks for God. Aimed at reaching today’s generation, Check the Sound is a music and faith-filled half-hour program showcasing some of the hottest bands and performers in Christian music. The concert-style show is taped in front of a studio audience and the three young hosts and siblings, Rachel, Jonathan and Rebecca Lamb, also sit down with the artists to ask them questions about their music and faith journey.
Past artists featured on the show include: Canton Jones, Ayiesha Woods, PureNRG, Group 1 Crew, Niyoki, Lecrae, Brandon Heath, Leeland, Mandisa, Britt Nicole, Barlow Girl and many more.
The show comes on Friday and Saturday nights at midnight, and the featured music artist for Saturday, February 20 is music artist Krystal Meyers.
Where to Watch: Check the Sound is produced and aired on the Daystar Television Network. Daystar is available on a variety of different systems such as cable and satellite (including DirectTV and Dish Network). Contact your local provider to find out if they carry Daystar as part of their available programming, and check to see if it’s available where you live by clicking here.
You can also watch past episodes on the show’s website: http://www.daystar.com/checkthesound.
Below is an interview Check the Sound did with rapper Trip Lee a few months ago, where he talks about how he got started in music ministry:
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