I Woke Up WORTHY: Words on Worth, Wholeness, Self-Esteem and Healing with Shannon Evette
Shannon Evette is empowering others to know their worth, to know that you were created worthy and have value beyond what the world says you do. Listen to her share encouragement above. Below Shannon speaks with Jay Barnett, therapist and speaker, about love and relationships and how knowing our worth is important when it comes to relating to others.
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A Leap of Faith Into Who You Are in Christ – Heart to Heart with Dr. Naima Johnston-Bush
Author and singer Dr. Naima Johnston (now Dr. Naima Johnston-Bush after she got married a while back) spoke to us previously on Dream in Soul about how to find and follow your calling (click here for the two-part interview). In this Heart to Heart she speaks about how she learned to trust in God as a young woman and gives advice on embracing your identity in Christ:
I became a Christian in an interesting way. My mother became a Christian when I was a teenager – and that made for interesting times between us. I was so rude and so angry that I wasn’t hearing a thing she had to say. I couldn’t understand this Jesus that she was talking about, but she kept praying for me and witnessing to me and loving me.
I got involved with this guy, and it was not a good situation. He actually was emotionally and on one occasion physically abusive. Because I didn’t love myself, because I thought I was worth nothing, because I really believed that no one would ever love me, I let him do whatever he wanted to do and treat me any kind of way.
One day we got into an argument about what we were going to listen to on the car radio. He told me that he would kill me, hide my body, and no one would ever find me. I knew he meant it. I knew that there had to be more to life then this. That night I prayed and said “God, there has got to be more to life then this…”
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Love Series Part 2: SOAR Readers Talk About Love
What does love mean to you? Here are some more responses from SOAR readers on love and waiting for the true love story that God writes (click here for part 1 if you missed it):
Genevieve, A 20-Something Shares the Love
What does real love mean to you?
Real love is 1 Corinthians love to me. It is not love that one receives because of works, it is what motivates us to treat people with the love Jesus showed at Calvary, the “inspite of” love. The love that does not “turn off” because of actions but responds to need to feel it.
Why have you decided to wait?
I have decided to wait because I know my worth and feel like my husband will be worth it. To youth I say the God in you created you for greatness and He can and will strengthen you to wait. The wait is worth it everytime, and the blessings associated with the self-control fruit of the spirit cannot be topped so value yourself and you will be able to embrace real love.
Stephanie, Recently engaged and glad she waited
What does real love mean to you?
To me, real love is love that is centered around Jesus Christ. That’s the only solid foundation in this world that human beings can build a lasting relationship on.
Why have you decided to wait?
I decided to wait because when I was 18 years old, God told me through a minister this message: “He talks about you all the time, and He said you’re like His little flower. You’re to be put on display, but not to be touched.” I knew then that if Jesus took the time to send me a message through someone, then it was incredibly important to listen to it. So praise Jesus, I’m on my way to getting married in June as a 25 year old virgin, all glory to God!
Advice I would give to youth on waiting: DO NOT DATE A SIGNIFICANT OTHER IF THEY ARE NOT JUST AS COMMITTED TO WAITING AS YOU ARE! I started college with seven other close friends who were just as committed to waiting as I was, and by the end of our four years, I was one of only two virgins left. It was just a moment of weakness that overtook all of them, and I know that if my fiance’ and I weren’t equally committed to waiting, then the same fate would probably have overtaken us. If your partner isn’t serious about waiting, don’t date him/her until he/she is.
Kathy Breaks it Down
What does love mean to you?
Oh boy! You’re going to make me preach! The Bible clearly defines love in 1 Corinthians 13. So, I’ll start with this: Love is an action verb. Love is NOT a feeling. It is a series of actions and characteristics that one exhibits to the benefit of another based on a decision that was made intentionally. Kind of like exercise, one decides to work out and will carry out a variety of cross training activities that are all the execution of that decision. (I wrote this really great definition once on Facebook, but I couldn’t find it lol.)
Why have you decided to wait?
I decided to wait because it was instilled in at a young age that virginity and purity are important. Eventually, it became a value that I adopted for myself especially as I began to understand the biblical significance of sex.
Somehow, very early on, when I was like 11 years old, waiting became less about fearing my parents, or pregnancy and more about wanting to surrender that part of my life to God for myself (everything else came later). I attended Bible studies with my sisters’ young adult group. From these lessons, I began to understand that sex was more the the physical act between the man and woman but it went much deeper than that. I had learned that marriage is an earthly reflection of our relationship with God so we cannot do as please with our bodies. The purity that God requires of us for our own protection and the protection of our souls. The physical connection in intercourse is like signing a contract, you’re telling this other person,”I’m all yours.” Therefore, you cannot make this binding agreement with multiple people or just anybody. When I understood what sex is really designed to be, I knew that I wanted it God’s way.
Loving advice from Gabrielle, a mom
With so many young girls trying to grow up so fast with all this technology, we need to tell our young girls and older ones that haven’t reach maturity to wait. Many times the mother might not have someone there to guide them, also they don’t explain the process. Love is something so precious; when you move too fast you can get hurt, and a hurt from “love” is painful. There are signs you have to watch so that you won’t get them confused with love: Verbal, physical or mental abuse whether from a parent or a mate. Now that I am older have decided to be sold out for Jesus to send a companion [to me], even if He never does, being an example for my daughter to follow or some other young person…
Take your time, God will find you the right person and He has great plan for you all.
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Music Pick: Beautifully Made – Leah Smith
This soulful song “Beautifully Made” from Leah Smith’s EP of the same title, is a reminder of Psalm 139 and how we are made with God’s craftsmanship; how we shouldn’t measure ourselves by the world’s standards but through God’s word, knowing that we are fearfully and wonderfully made with purpose.
You can find Leah on Facebook or at www.leahsmithmusic.com to find out about her upcoming events and music. If you haven’t already, visit Itunes or Amazon to order the Beautifully Made EP – all of the songs are just as amazing!
“…I’ve had those times when I’ve looked into a mirror not happy at all at what I’d see… ‘Cause I don’t feel special, I don’t feel beautiful, I don’t feel smart enough, strong enough, good enough, feel like nothing at all. But at times like these I come back to the truth that I have found… I am beautifully and wonderfully made.” – Lyrics from Beautifully Made
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Dream On At The Revolve Tour 2011

Awesome music, straight-talking messages, drama, and a ton of fun combine for a 2-day weekend event for teen girls: The Revolve Tour, coming to a city near you!
The Revolve Tour is an encouraging 2-day weekend event for teen girls featuring relatable speakers, music artists including dramas, and more. The 2011 theme is “Dream On” based on Luke 1:37 NCV: “God can do anything!”
This year’s line-up includes:
Jenna Lucado Bishop, Chad Eastham, Courtney Clark Cleveland, Kathryn MccCormick, Jamie-Grace Harper, Group 1 Crew, Britt Nicole and Hawk Nelson
For more information about Revolve and to register yourself or youth group visit www.revolvetour.com. (Revolve is also looking for adults to volunteer at the events. Click here for more information.)
Check out SOAR’s interview with Revolve Tour Speaker Jenna Lucado Bishop:
With realness and encouragement Jenna Lucado Bishop shares her heart with young women around the country, relating to their everyday questions and delving into the truth of God’s word with them. Whether speaking on stage at The Revolve Tour, a faith and fun-filled weekend for teen girls, or co-authoring books with her father, best-selling author and speaker Max Lucado, Jenna’s passion for God is apparent and inspiring, and her energy and the warmth of her personality are inviting. In this interview Jenna shares how she was led to get involved with The Revolve Tour and gives advice for dreaming on in God and serving Him right where we are, even in uncertain times..
Click Here To Continue Reading The Interview
Check out the promo video below to see clips from last year’s tour:
About the Revolve Tour
Since 1996, more than 4 million women have packed themselves and their friends into sold-out arenas across North America for 2-day events that are inspiring, encouraging, and fun. Every year, they come back for another weekend with Women of Faith—and for many of those years, they said (in pretty much these exact words), “This is awesome! But what about something for my daughter?”
In 2005, Women of Faith created The Revolve Tour as a response to those requests. The result is a one-of-a-kind inspirational weekend for 6th– to 12th–grade girls that combines award-winning bands and speakers with real, relevant messages in a high-energy event.
Pictures From The Revolve Tour in Garland, TX
SOAR’s editor got to volunteer at and attend the The Revolve Tour in Garland, TX. Check out some pictures from the event below and click here for all of our coverage of the Garland event.
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