Relationship Goals Series from Michael Todd of Transformation Church
In part 1 of the Relationship Goals series from Michael Todd, pastor at Transformation Church he breaks down what’s at the heart of our desire for romantic relationships and how we can be more purposeful in our time of singleness. I love Pastor Todd’s delivery and humor as he shares his heart on God’s desire and design for relationships that make them more worthwhile.
Check out more from the series below.
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Spotlight: Your Story Matters at Unveiled
“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:17-18
In the video below Jessica Chinyelu, the creator of the organization “I Am Woman of Purpose” introduces the women of the ministry Unveiled. Jessica serves as a Co-Founder of Unveiled and in this episode of her show “DIALOGUE” goes into an intimate conversation on the vision, women sharing stories and the importance of discipleship and mentorship.
Unveiled is a ministry that captures real, authentic, un-cut stories and strongly believes the Lord will remove the mask that so many women feel they have to hide behind because of shame, guilt, fear, or condemnation. Women from all over the world have already began to share freely and boldly about the darkest times in their lives and the moment when His light began to shine through, offering hope.
Unveiled believes that every single story matters, including the stories of those of you reading this right now and those yet to be written. If you are interested in sharing your story be sure to visit:
Connect with Unveiled:
Twitter: @weareunveiled
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Music Pick: Through Your Eyes From Britt Nicole
I’m loving the single “Through Your Eyes” From Britt Nicole and so happy that she is releasing new music. The message of the song strikes a chord – how often we pressure ourselves to be something that God never called us to be and how His grace and love sets us free to be His…
Through Your Eyes Lyrics
Get it together
That’s what I say to me
I put on the pressure
You could do better
Be who you’re supposed to be
[Verse 2]
But that’s when you came in
Right when I needed you
Said all of the things that I was believing
Not one of them were true…
You’re lifting my head up
I was keeping my head down
I didn’t know love
But I do now
Cause you stood right there
And then you broke apart the lies
You told me I had something beautiful inside
You brought to life the part of me I thought had died
Cause you stood right there
Until I saw me, I saw me through your eyes
I saw me, I saw me through your eyes
I saw me, I saw me through your eyes
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Editor’s Vlog & Inspiration: Dream Deeper, Your Purpose and Love Can Change Lives and My Experience at Christ for the Nations
Dream deeper than how the world tells us to dream – your purpose could make someone’s day brighter just by you showing that you see them and care!✌❤️ Above is a snippet of my story that I shared on Periscope (@dreamfleur) of how my life has changed once I found true love. I spent the past few months at Christ for the Nations (I highly recommend that place for anyone who has a dream of changing the world and wants to connect with God in a deeper way to get more direction). One of the biggest lessons is that sometimes God wants us to step out of our comfort zone to reach out to the people around us that we don’t know, to show them love and maybe pray for them if we feel led to.
Our dreams can have a platform that reaches so many people but at times God wants us to get out of our comfort zone to talk to one person and see how they’re doing, and to share His love with them – it could make all the difference in their world!
Dream BIG and dare to dream deeper, seeing people like God sees them, with live, reaching out to the lonely and the overlooked. It fills you up with so much joy to know you made a difference on someone’s life and in turn you change the world!
Below is one of the devotions I wrote for CFNI on this topic of being love to people to change the world:
“…Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” Mark 9:36
Our culture often looks to crowds and numbers as a measure of influence, especially in our social media-driven world. Even in ministry we could get distracted by being overly focused on status and boosting our numbers.
Jesus did teach crowds and feed multitudes but He also did significant ministry work on the personal level. There was the moment He looked tenderly into the face of the woman at the well and several times when He stopped to heal determined individuals who were in need.
Loving others is our call, but how often do we leave our comfort zones and the church building to love people one-on-one? Are we too distracted striving to be great to notice individuals God has placed in our path for a greater purpose? When we cultivate relationships with others and genuinely show compassion they’ll tangibly experience God’s love.
Let’s ask God to give us eyes to see those who feel invisible and forgotten, the downcast and weary. We can heal the broken-hearted and set captives free through love and service – if we dare to get uncomfortable and personal. -Julene Fleurmond #cfnidevotionals #relationships Find more inspiration and nourishment for your spirit on my blog
Below is a video promo for Christ for the Nations that some of my friends are featured in and produced. CFNI is really an inspiring place – whatever your dream is it might be a place to learn to dream DEEPER with a greater mission:
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What Does Intimacy With God ACTUALLY Look Like?! Inspiration from Simply Feli
We talk about intimacy with God all the time but what does that actually look like practically? Feli from “Simply Feli TV” shares her heart and some tips on how to connect deeply to the heart of God. Feli says “I just want people to have a more dynamic and intimate relationship with Jesus. That’s me in a nut shell really.” Be sure to check out more of her videos on her Youtube page – they’re so inspiring and relevant:

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Worship & Inspiration: Survival Plan from Rachel & Wallace Faagutu
O my God, You are my God
There is no other one like You
Early in the morning I will seek and I will find You
My only survival plan in this weary land
Is to put my weary soul in Your hand…
I love the uplifting, unique reggae-inspired sounds from Rachel & Wallace Faagutu. From Forerunner Music’s GMA Dove Award nominated album Onething Live: Sing Your Praises, download it at
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Andy Mineo, Janette…ikz, KB and Francis Chan on Making Disciples from ChaseGodTV
In this series from ChaseGodTV Andy Mineo, Janette…ikz of P4CM, KB and Francis Chan share their hearts on what it means to make disciples and carry out what Jesus called us all to do. Check out more from ChaseGodTV’s website: We’re called to more than just telling people about Jesus…hear what they have to say about our call below…
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Worship: Empires and Touch the Sky (Acoustic) from Hillsong
Hillsong’s album Empires is beautiful and refreshing – check out these two acoustic versions of the songs Empires and Touch the Sky. Click here to get Empires on iTunes now.
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Missing Out On Love: David Marvin Shares Encouragement for Singles at The Porch
David Marvin shares an inspiring word on our the desire for love in this message from The Porch at Watermark in Dallas, TX.
We all fall under two camps: some of us are happy to be alone and don’t want a relationship, while some of us are just wishing and waiting for the right guy or girl to come along any minute. But, all of us are missing out on true love. That true love always involves God because God is true love. When we feel unlovable, God sees us as being worthy. He seeks our own best and He bears all thing. He made the first move, making a way for us to experience the fullness of His love through Christ dying for us while we were still sinners. We may feel like we can’t be loved and want to resist it, but no matter what we’ve done, we can never outrun God’s true love for us.
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