God Has a Big Dream for Your Life: Inspiration from the Story of One of My Favorite Dreamers Joseph (Editor’s Journal)


Sometimes it’s what you’re most afraid of that’s part of your purpose – for me that was speaking! These are the confessions of a former major introvert… I used to shake in my boots literally on-stage and even when I had to talk in class as a kid my heart would beat loudly… Growing up shy I hardly talked as a little girl and people would ask my mom if I was mute. When people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I squeaked Oprah – I wanted to speak and use my voice to inspire others but didn’t know how i was gonna cause I was too scared.

Through practice and perseverance I got through that fear and surprisingly now speaking is my FAVORITE thing to do! I find myself on stages and in classrooms (where I’d probably pass out or drown in a puddle of my own sweat years ago) speaking my story and singing encouraging songs to inspire other kids who were like me to overcome their fears and live their big dreams…

Recently I got to speak with a group of teen girls in Dallas (some of them pictured here) about the journey of dreams – how God has a big dream for each of our lives and how even when things get tough everything works together for good for those who live on Purpose. We talked about the story of Joseph the Dreamer in the Bible who is my fave (go watch the Emmy-award winning movie based it, it’s awesome and Joseph ain’t too hard on the eyes;) and how even when he was in a pit and the prison he trusted God and served others with his gifts until his big dream came true. God used all of those trials to develop him into a true, powerful leader who would go on to save his people – a foreshadowing of another great leader to come…


Ever since I was younger God told me my story was like Joseph’s and the word “dream” was always in my heart. Everything about my businesses and life had the word dream included somehow since I was a kid (as did gifts my friends gave me pictured here). Like Joseph I overcame years of confusing circumstances and now I’m living out the very dreams I had written down years before – speaking, singing, serving others’ dreams and creating a multimedia company that inspires youth to live on purpose. With Love everything is possible – so go follow your dreams and dare to share your story – someone needs to hear you speak about how you overcame too. I truly believe your story can set someone free and I believe in you!

Love and peace ✌️ Julene


Above: Inspiring youngin’s LEGO Movie-style… One of my favorite things to do is create and speak at experiences and workshops merging music, drama and interaction for kids and youth to inspire them to live their dreams boldly in purpose.

P.S. Have a group of kids or teens who could use some inspiration through speaking, singing and a creative interactive presentation? Feel free to send me a line and let me know how I could help! Together we can inspire the next generation!


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About the Author

Julene Fleurmond, editor of Dream in Soul Magazine, is a young dreamer, entrepreneur, artist, writer and speaker who loves to create to inspire others. She founded her own creative media company, Envibrance Studios as a teen, and runs an inspirational apparel & product line. Visit her website online at www.dreamfleur.com
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