Dream in Soul Blog Updates: Merry Christmas!
Check out the latest posts from the main Dream in Soul Blog…

O Holy Night…
“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be…

The Digital Story of the Nativity and A Social
Network Christmas
The way we connect may have changed but the story will always…

Editor’s Journal: Where There are Miracles – My Christmas Story
I shared this story a few years ago on my personal blog but…

Christmas Pick: Emmanuel (Hallowed Manger Ground) – Chris Tomlin
This beautiful song became a favorite of mine last Christmas,…

Dream in Soul Christmas Song Notables
Here are some of Dream in Soul’s favorite Christmas songs from throughout the years,…

Inspiration: William McDowell on I Give Myself Away
“It’s much easier to sing about giving yourself away than it is to make it a daily reality…”