Soul Dreamer Resource: “I Am Joseph” – Jimmy Evans on Realizing God’s Dreams In Your Life
“I Am Joseph: The Multi-Colored Impact of Dreams on Your Destiny” that gives encouragement for realizing your God-given dream and persevering when dreams are delayed…
Christine Caine on Ministry and Significance
“I have been reminded yet again that just because something is not known, celebrated, prominent, or esteemed on earth does not mean it does not have the attention of heaven.
“Never confuse prominence for significance or obedience.”
- Christine Caine in a blog post, “The Prominence Trap”

Resource: Creative Collective Website, Events and Free Creative Matters E-Book
Being a writer/designer, I always love finding new resources for creatives (or basically anyone who wants to harness their creativity- because we are all like our Father the Creator in our own way) especially when other believers collaborate to encourage and inspire one another. The Creative Collective is a movement that inspires people to “Create [...]
Event & Resource: Identity Conference & Blog for Entrepreneurs
“Who said that God can’t be glorified in business?” The Identity Conference is a free event especially for entrepreneurs of faith who want to take their business to the next level to change the world:
Clips from the 2010 Identity Conference
Event Date: Saturday November 12, 2011
Location: Corona, California
About: Identity is far beyond a conference. It is [...]

Editors Soul Dreamer Journal: Where Am I Called? – Post Grad Ponderings
It’s a question many of us ask at one point in our lives: What is my calling? Where does God want to use me right now; in ministry, in a certain career?

Inspiration From DeVon Franklin – Hollywood Executive and Author of Produced by Faith
DeVon Franklin discusses how we can serve God within the field He places us without compromising our beliefs…

Article: Waiting for the Dream to Manifest – Inspiration from Author and Speaker Kimberly Cash Tate
Kim Cash Tate, author and speaker at the Women of Faith conferences, shares advice on the period of waiting that often comes when living God’s dream for our lives…

From Dream To Destiny Video Message Series from Gateway Church
“God has given each of us a dream—an idea that sets our hearts racing at the mere thought of it…”

Organization and Conference: Women in Christian Media
Women in Christian Media supports and encourages women in a variety of media-related fields…

Soul Dreamer Inspiration: Kim Walker-Smith on Worship Leading
In these video clips Kim Walker-Smith shares her heart about worship leading experiences, self-promotion, honor, and stewardship…