Article: Waiting for the Dream to Manifest – Inspiration from Author and Speaker Kimberly Cash Tate
In a recent interview with EEW Magazine Kim Cash Tate, author and speaker at the Women of Faith conferences, shares advice on the period of waiting that often comes when living God’s dream for our lives:
“If it’s a God-given passion and desire, it’s not going anywhere. And what we tend to want, is to do it right now. But, a big part of the Christian walk is waiting.
It’s so hard, but it’s so necessary, because God will put that seed in our hearts and it could be years before we see that [manifestation of the] full vision in our minds. But He’s working in us. We wanna jump to the outside ministry and do those things whether it’s writing, speaking, or whatever it may be—we wanna do those things that are on the outside, but God’s biggest work is on the inside of us.
“So in that time of waiting, where we have this vision but it’s not happening today, God is trying to do a work on the inside with our character. And we have to get to the point where we are totally yielded to Him with a heart of obedience, where we are willing to put everything on the altar.” – Kim Cash Tate in an interview with EEW Magazine
Click here to read more about Kim Cash Tate’s journey in the full interview by Dianna Hobbs on EEW Magazine’s website
More about Kim Cash Tate (from the Women of Faith website)
When Kim graduated from George Washington University Law School she expected to live and practice law in Washington, DC the rest of her life—but God had other plans. Kim moved to Madison, WI where she married Bill and joined a church—which led to a complete “reshaping” of Kim’s identity. After almost a decade as a lawyer Kim resigned her partnership to stay home with her children. Now she’s the author of three books (two fiction, one non-fiction). Kim, Bill, and their two children live in Missouri.
Visit Kim’s website at for more information about her ministry, books and speaking schedule with Women of Faith.