Ministry Spotlight: Dream Deeper & Live Without Fear – Inspiration from Women of Faith ONE DAY in Dallas
by Julene Fleurmond, Editor of
The auditorium was a sea of excited and expectant expressions waiting to see what effect a single day could have on their lives. Soon the room was filled with waves of laughter and streams of tears – sometimes all at once – as Women of Faith’s ONE DAY event in Dallas made an impact.
Hundreds of women shared a bond and a deep sense of God’s love and dreams for their lives as speakers Christine Caine, Andy Andrews and Angie Smith, poured out their stories and faith-filled wisdom into open hearts.
This was the first year for ONE DAY, created in response to women who couldn’t attend the two-day Women of Faith events. ONE DAY had a more intimate atmosphere that allowed the speakers to go deeper and the attendees to get more up close and personal and feel like they are part of a sisterhood that shares their faith and feelings about life.
I’ve been inspired by the ministry of Women of Faith for several years now, but never had chance to attend their live events, (other than last year’s event for teen girls, The Revolve Tour: “Dream On” which was a fun and moving experience).
I was excited to go to ONE DAY, and what made it more personal for me was that it was held at Southern Methodist University where I went to college, in the very same auditorium I graduated in. Three years ago I sat in those seats and walked across that stage in apprehension, wondering what calling God had placed on my life. On Saturday the encouragement from the ONE DAY speakers had an impact on me in ways I couldn’t imagine.
The theme of the event was “In ONE DAY God can change everything,” with Psalm 118:6 as the leading verse:
“I will not be afraid, because the Lord is with me.”
Each speaker had a unique style and broke the ice with humor before delving into more serious and somber parts of their stories, to inspire us to see God’s divine plan in our own lives. I loved their transparency of sharing the not-so-pretty parts of their backgrounds that can help others going through similar situations. Here are a few highlights of what they shared:
“If you’re still here there is more left to life…” – Andy Andrews
Worship leader Jennifer Thigpen opened the day with prayer and song to set the atmosphere and focus of the day. Then Andy Andrews, bestselling author of The Traveler’s Gift, took to the stage and the auditorium aisles as a bouncing ball of energy, joking that his adult ADD was kicking in that morning. Laughter rolled through the audience as he wove in and out, sharing his difficult past and wisdom about living purposefully and impacting those around us through intentional choices. His two sessions spread throughout the day were engaging and I along with many of the attendees nodded and scribbled away at our notepads to capture his insights.
”Life is a vapor but the choices we make matter…I want to live a life of purpose – I want my vapor to count…” – Christine Caine
Christine Caine came to stage so personally, like a close friend (if only we each had a friend with an awesome Aussie accent that we could listen to all day). She dove into deep topics like forgiveness as she recounted her story of overcoming a past of abandonment and abuse. Now she is saving the lives of other women exploited in human trafficking through the A21 Campaign. She challenged every woman to take the unpaved path to make a difference in the world, saying, “I think God wants to take us places we never dreamed of by paths we never knew existed.”
“If what you are doing glorifies you, not God, you have misunderstood your calling…” – Angie Smith
Angie Smith’s warm demeanor and transparency was inviting as she recounted her struggles with crippling fear since she was a child and a story of loss. Through heartbreaking trials she realized that God could take the pain in her life to create something beautiful that could bring glory to Him and give hope to others. Tears fell around the room as she asked those who had experienced a similar loss to stand, and instantly hearts were connected and comforted as they realized they were not alone. Afterwards we were left with the truth that where we experience our “greatest life wounding” and hurts, we can also find our calling if we bring our offerings of obedience to the King.
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Ready or Not: A Love Story from the Passion for Christ Movement (P4CM) & I Will Wait For You
The Passion for Christ Movement presented this amazing and moving scene at their event called RHETORIC. It merges poetry with theater and retells the greatest love story of all time – of Christ who is coming back for a bride without spot wrinkle or blemish. This piece is by P4CM poets Ezekiel and Janette…ikz who ask you if you’ll be “Ready or Not” for that day…
All to often, we try to do the cleaning and the planning when we Christ should take the lead. With Him at the helm, the wedding day will be just as it should be… all for His glory.
The RHETORIC will be happening again this year on July 6, 2012. You can get tickets at the P4CM website here.
Below, check out another poem, “I Will Wait for You” that was made popular at RHETORIC, from P4CM’s Janette…ikz who talks about why she is waiting for the love that God has for her life:
You Are Loved…
Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope all of you love birds enjoy this day and make every day ahead one filled with love! Even if you don’t have a Valentine or are going through a hard season, know that you are cherished…
“But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Thy faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:21-23
The greatest Love of all gave His life for you and engraved you on the palms of His hands. God is forever faithful, His love is everlasting- It never fails!
No matter what you are going through – wading in the darkness that tries to engulf you – know that the Light is stronger, darkness won’t last much longer. Though it may get lonely you’re not alone – you are loved, more than you know…Love. Never. Fails.
Lovebirds’ Song Mix Tape Part 2: Feat. Andrew Peterson, Dave Barnes, Brooke Fraser, Lecrae and More
Here’s another mix of love songs for you to enjoy – from romantic love to the love between God and His people…
(Click here for Dream in Soul’s Love Mixtape Part 1)
Dancing In The Mine Fields – Andrew Peterson
God Gave Me You (Acoustic) – Dave Barnes
When I Say I Do – Matthew West
Love is Waiting – Brooke Fraser
I Love You – Lecrae
Beloved – Tenth Avenue North
Worth the Wait – Jordin Sparks
Calvary Love: Inspiration from Amy Carmichael
February is the month of love, but how much do we really show the true love that God exemplified through the cross to others in our lives? “Calvary Love” is an amazing, inspiring and convicting passage from the book “If” by Amy Carmichael. Amy was a Christian missionary born in the late 1800s who served in India and opened an orphanage – her life and writings were an example of the love she so boldly speaks of:
Amy Carmichael on Calvary Love
If I belittle those whom I am called to serve, talk of their weak points in contrast perhaps with what I think of as my strong points; if I adopt a superior attitude, forgetting “Who made thee to differ? And what hast thou that thou hast not received?” then I know nothing of Calvary love…
If souls can suffer alongside, and I hardly know it, because the spirit of discernment is not in me, then I know nothing of Calvary love.
If the praise of others elates me and their blame depresses me; if I cannot rest under misunderstanding without defending myself; if I love to be loved more than to love, to be served more than to serve, then I know nothing of Calvary love…
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