Julene Fleurmond

Julene, editor of Dream in Soul and SOAR, is a young dreamer, entrepreneur, artist, writer and speaker who loves to create to inspire others. She founded her own creative media company, Envibrance Studios as a teen, and runs an inspirational apparel & product line. Visit her website online at www.julenefleurmond.com.
This Is Our Love Story...

This Is Our Love Story…

Once upon a sacred union there was a woman who had perfect Love in the beginning- but she was deceived and let her eyes wander. She disregarded Love’s truth and faithfulness for a taste of the forbidden, and in a bite of weakness she became blinded, disillusioned… Even in her infidelity her True Love kept […]

The Vision Awaits...It's Time To Make Your Move

The Vision Awaits…It’s Time To Make Your Move

The vision God placed in your heart isn’t just for you… What’s the message He’s given you that others are waiting for you to deliver?

Message Pick: Run Your Race & Run It Well – Touré Roberts & DeVon Franklin from One Church International

A few months back we featured One Church International in Los Angeles as our Ministry to Watch because of the relevant messages they share that encourage anyone to pursue purpose, and especially those called to the arts and entertainment. I’ve been continually blessed by the wisdom of Pastor Touré Roberts and his determination to align […]

Music Pick & Inspiration: “Only Believe” from Erin Maynor

“Only Believe” from Erin Maynor is a soothing reminder of God’s comfort and presence in the weariness of our world.

The Purpose Driven Life Revisited: Review of The 10-Year Anniversary Expanded Edition

The Purpose Driven Life Revisited: Review of The 10-Year Anniversary Expanded Edition

What does God have for my future? That’s a question so many of us ask, whether we’re wondering what career path to pursue or in soul-searching while pondering the reality of God and the meaning of our lives. For the past 10 years Pastor Rick Warren’s bestselling book “The Purpose Driven Life” has given readers […]