Editor’s Journal: Trust God At All Times and Song Inspiration

We can trust God at all times even in the world we live in today and in the storms of life because we know the One who holds the world has us in His hands when we put our hope in Him. Love is trustworthy always.
Here’s one of my favorite songs in Haitian Creole: Konfie’m Nan Dieu. The lyrics loosely translate to: Trust in the Lord, know that He takes care of me. In the wilderness or in bad times. The oceans may rise but God holds me firm, my Papa in Heaven will take care of me… .

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock. Isaiah 26:3-4 ESV

Help Us to Love from Tori Kelly at the Stellar Awards

I love Tori Kelly’s new song “Help Us to Love” and the message that’s so relatable to the world today – with all that’s going on we need to love! Here Tori sings the song with The Hamiltones at the Stellar Awards.

Be a Warrior of Love and Live Your Dreams


Let’s all be warriors of Love… We can change the world when we see and encourage one another, from the young to the oldest, to be our fullest selves! Ya see all those people around you each day, even the ones you’ve accidentally overlooked or think you’re different from? Each one of them is a reflection of God’s heart, made to connect with Him in love and the dreams in their hearts are planted there by Him…

When you get free to live in your fullness you get to set other people free to flourish & live in full color too. We become like the beautiful family we were meant to be…

Life’s a journey of growth and evolving – we weren’t made to conform to society’s image of perfection but to be the best we can be in the masterpiece called our bodies in whatever our dreams are… So dream high & believe bigger warrior, don’t stop creating & loving. You are loved more than you can imagine and make the world better just by being in it so live your purpose boldly…

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 3:20

Rise Above The Storm: Prophetic Inspiration from Nate Johnston

I love the ministry of Nate and Christy Johnston and how they inspire the body of Christ to arise into their calling and grow in God’s presence through their ministry Everyday Revivalists and mentorship journey at My Year to Grow. Here Nate inspires you to rise above the storms in your life. Find more from Nate and Christy at their Facebook page by clicking here. Below is another word that Nate shared on being hungry for the presence of God- so vital in the time we live in today!


(from their website everydayrevivalists.com)

The purpose behind our ministry of Everyday Revivalists is found in our history. We both lived a life of powerlessness and insecurity. We did not know what it was to live in freedom in a relationship with the Father for we were taught the principles of Christianity, but we did not know or experience personal friendship with God. Nate was brought up in an unstable environment and he did not know what a true Father looked like. I (Christy) was brought up as a Pastors child, which came with its own challenges, leaving me plagued with insecurities as I developed an unhealthy mindset of comparisons. Neither of us knew our true identity in Christ and as a result, and seven years into our marriage, I suffered from a severe encounter with depression.

It was there in our lowest and darkest point of our lives, rejected by church at the time, rejected by friends and even family, that we stopped looking to others for our approval and found peace in God for the first time ever. In our brokeness and confusion, He broke through the night. He became our hope, He became our foundation, He became our greatest love. He taught us how to live as we began to experience relationship with the God of creation. Where we only knew Him as a distant task master, we discovered Him for who He really is as He came to meet us face to face. A loving, tender, caring and protective Father. Now, we live and breathe this message of freedom that is found in the cross.

We are passionate to see God’s sons + daughters arise in the truth of their identity in Christ, founded in intimacy with the Father who is deeply in love with His children. We strongly believe in healthy families and we aim to revive hearts through prophecy encouragement and truth. Our mission is to equip you to be all that Jesus has destined for you. We believe in a POWERFUL gospel, one that edify’s, uplifts and empowers. It’s time for the sons and daughters to find out who they really are, find their approval in Him alone and emerge in the foundations of love and walk in their royal authority.

Pour Out Love and Life and Know That You Will Overcome The Waves


I want you to know you are so loved unconditionally. Nothing changes that. Whatever you go through know that truth and that you’re not alone. Whatever you face is only for a season, you will make it through. Never listen to the lies that you’re too far off and remember that life is worth living – you’ll always see the light…
I’m a lover & I know I’ve gone through the hard times I have because I’m made to pour out unconditional love to others. Let God give you a heart for the people He puts in your life, to reach out to them, to be present and sensitive, to see them, listen and love deeply. You never know what they might be going through and why He places you in their path to love them back to life.
Remember that the people around you are priceless gifts, each one is precious to God so much so that Jesus gave His life for us, their spirits are forever, they are worthy of love and life and you are too.

Know that you are loved and be the love you want to see in the world today. “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13