Creativity for the Kingdom: Dance Inspired by Joel 2:28

An 11-year-old girl dances powerfully to the song "Rain On Us," from Sha’ Simpson’s album "Ordinary Servant." Watch this beautiful display of worship and creativity for the kingdom through liturgical dance. Video from Tayloured Worship Ministries.


Ministry Description From Website: “Tayloured Worship is a ministry appointed by God and led by the Holy Spirit. Dance that becomes worship ushers in the Spirit of God and humbles all mankind and brings us to a serenity, peace and joy within…”

Ministry Watch: The Takeover


Every second and fourth Sunday of each month, a group of young people gather in Inglewood, CA, to worship, and hear the word of God in a bold and electrifying way…

A minister walks onto the platform wearing casual apparel and looking as laid-back and hip as the teens and young adults he’s addressing. He begins a raw, dynamic message relating to the young people where they are, and leading them in discussion and prayer. He’s not an ordinary preacher, and this is no ordinary ministry – the minister onstage is Kirk Franklin, bringing the Word to the Takeover Youth Service. The Takeover is on fire for Christ, and the young people who take part show how God can, and will, takeover the city for His Kingdom.


"God has promised our church possession of the heart of the City of Los Angeles. God is going to use this ministry to change the hearts of youth from sin to salvation. (Deut. 7:1-21) Before God can give you everything He has for you He has to know who you serve before you can TAKEOVER the city. God has to Takeover your heart and every part of your life. Then and only then can He give you everything He has for you. Be obedient. (2 Corinthians 11:11-13)" – From The Takeover Myspace page

The Takeover was sparked at the Faithful Central Bible Church under the leadership of Bishop Kenneth C. Ulmer. Kirk Franklin himself describes the ministry as, “Very honest. Very street," in an interview on the Gospel Music Channel website.

Visit the Takeover on Twitter, and their official website at to support the movement. You can also become a fan on Facebook or subscribe on Youtube.

You can watch past services on their podcast page and future services live at; the next one is on July 12, 2009 at 10am PT.

Below, watch Kirk Franklin preach the 100th sermon, "Rock Your Ring."

Description: "In this 4 Part sermon, Minister Franklin is breaking down the commitment that God is looking for from us as His followers. God wants us to be faithful, by choice not by command. We should ‘Rock our Rings’ not just in church or in His presence by everyday all day no matter what!"



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Morning Worship: Israel and New Breed – To Worship You I Live

From “Alive In South Africa,” Israel and New Breed

Called to Sing: Interview with Author and Singer Dr. Naima Johnston, Part 1

Dr. Naima Johnston shares how she overcame many obstacles to respond to her call to sing. Her new book Called To Sing: 13 Mistakes To Avoid When Starting In Music Ministry addresses issues that many artists fail to recognize as potential problems that can stunt the growth of their ministries.

Attempted suicide at 14. Sexually assaulted as a teenager. Told she wasn’t good enough to sing at 18. Struggled with eating disorders in college. Abused by live in boyfriend at 22. Saved by grace at 24. Broken-hearted and desolate at 30.

calledtosingquoteThese are some of the tribulations that Dr. Naima Johnston faced throughout her life. In her early 30s, after she left her position as the Associate Director of Student Life at Wright State University to pursue a career in Christian music, she found herself confused, financially bankrupt, emotionally drained, and doubting the calling of God.

After a serious year of reflection, soul searching and surrender, Dr. Johnston decided to rebuild her ministry with great enthusiasm and faith. Today she is a full-time minister and recording artist, and is free by the love of Christ. She shares her experiences in her book Called To Sing: 13 Mistakes To Avoid When Starting In Music Ministry. Geared towards independent Christian artists and those contemplating a career in Christian music, this book addresses issues that many artists fail to recognize as potential problems that can stunt the growth and development of their ministries.

As a minister, Christian recording artist and the CEO of Broken Box Ministries, Dr. Johnston uses her extensive personal experience as a “failure” to assist others who are building a music ministry. Here’s what she had to share with Dream in Soul and aspiring artists about following your call to sing:

Dream in Soul: How did you begin in Christian music, and how would you describe your style of music?

Dr. Johnston: I always wanted to be a singer, from the time I was a little girl. But as I got older I was discouraged from pursuing that dream. Not by my parents, they were always great. But professionals and music teachers and I never thought I was good enough. I went to college and dropped out of the music program because I had several teachers who were not very supportive. I began to pursue a career in Higher Education Administration, I thought if I can’t sing I’ll be a university president! But God had other plans. One of my best friends got married in Jamaica and I was sitting on the beach studying for exams since I was working on my PhD at the time, I told the Lord, this is really not what I want to do. And He spoke back and said, “Good, cause this is not what I called you to do!” So I spent the next two years trying to figure out how to launch in Christian music ministry and wow, what a journey it’s been! I left my job two years after that with no clue as to what I was doing!

My musical style is really interesting. My ministry team and I finally came up with a name for it. We call it “Urbs-spirational Worship.” The best way to describe it would be if Nicole Nordeman and CeCe Winans were sisters and Martha Munizzi was their cousin, I’d be the middle child!

DS: Why did you decide to write this book, and what do you hope readers take from it?

Dr. Johnston: Artists and music ministers would always ask me how I got started in music ministry and how could I afford to do it fulltime. So many people were sending me emails and calling and wanted to spend hours talking about their music ministries and how to launch. I loved being a resource but it was taking up so much time… I had made so many mistakes when I started in music ministry, so many costly mistakes. I wanted to share my testimony so that others wouldn’t make those mistakes. My hope is that readers will avoid those mistakes and save themselves tons of heartache, financial loss and spiritual depression.

DS: What is the best advice you would give to young or beginning music artists?

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On the Rise: Donovan Owens Releases Debut Album


You may have first heard this young talent on Kirk Franklin’s latest album “The Fight of My Life” on the track "A Whole Nation." He was 11-years-old at the time and truly brought the song to life with his powerful vocals, singing about the importance of fathers raising their children.

Now 12-year-old Donovan Owens is releasing an album of his own, and he’s ready to minister to the whole nation with his amazing God-given gifts. Donovan’s debut album “All That I Have” will be released online Saturday, June 20th, by Diversity Records.

On the album Donovan sings about life as a young person, and the difference in his stride: “If I don’t go to every party, and I don’t hang with everybody is that wrong,” he sings on the single “I’ll Be That.” He continues the song standing his ground for God: “I know you’re thinking that its strange that I choose to be this way, when everybody else has gone astray… they can say anything about me, but you’re never gonna break me down.” The song has a cool R&B flavor and a catchy beat, and people of any age can relate to the lyrics. Donovan delivers smooth vocals throughout the album and shows that he’s not new the scene, having performed alongside Gospel greats such as Dorinda Clark-Cole.

On June 20th Donovan will also host an album release concert in his hometown of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, at the Christian Faith Fellowship Church. The concert will include performances by Serita Campbell and Mark Anthony Harris. For full concert details click here.

Visit Donvan’s official website, to pre-order the album, and visit him on Myspace at to hear the single.

Make sure to show your support for this young artist, as he inspires us that you’re never too young to use your creativity for the Kingdom!

You can listen to Donovan in “A Whole Nation” below: