Remember To See the Beauty and Love

Working with kids can give you renewed perspective on life and what’s important – at least that’s how it’s been for me the past few weeks. I often think God let’s us be parents (natural or spiritual) and caregivers so we can see certain things from His perspective (especially when little kids say funny things…or when they be testin you)…
We can get caught up in the flurry of life, in the happenings of our world, the buzz of social media and in our pursuit for the next that we don’t always appreciate the presence of hope and purpose all around us.
See the thoughtful details and love in God’s masterful creation big and small: The delicate artistry of a flower and the intricate roots of a family tree. The contagious smile of a baby & the reminder kids give us to be hopeful, get up when we fall, continuously learn, rediscover what we think is ordinary and to dream higher. The wisdom in the faces and experiences of our elders. The importance and vibrancy of a community of generations learning from one another and growing together. The value and unique reflection of God’s heart in every person. The preciousness of life itself.
Take time to savor the beauty of families and friendships (as imperfect as they can be), the laughter and the tears that create stories that can be redeemed.
Pause and stand in awe of the greatness of our God. He is so good! He wants to be involved in our lives and we can trust Him. His ways and thoughts are greater than ours. Seize the hope that with God we can bring healing to our world.
See the lessons, gifts and growing opportunities in every experience, how there’s no condemnation for us in the love of Jesus but the freedom to become more to transform our lives and the worlds of others.
Every moment seize the opportunity to be freer, to know God deeper. To be all He created you to be. Breathe, know His love and let gratitude liberate you!
There’s so much to be thankful for. Thank you for being you – sending so much love to you and yours. “Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!” Psalm 107:1

About the Author

Julene, editor of Dream in Soul and SOAR, is a young dreamer, entrepreneur, artist, writer and speaker who loves to create to inspire others. She founded her own creative media company, Envibrance Studios as a teen, and runs an inspirational apparel & product line. Visit her website online at

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