Dream in Soul Creative Expressions: Never Give Up – Dreams Bring Fruit in Due Season, A Message to Inspire

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap a harvest, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9

What will you do this year to make a leap toward our purpose? I wanted to share this message from my heart and a poem I wrote above entitled “Dreams in Due Season” to encourage you to keep going where ever you are on your journey…

So many of us start out life dreaming in wide-eyed wonder – then life happens and leaves us in a dazed slumber. We face disappointments, discouragement and detours…and we get practical.

We become sleepwalkers, settling for the ordinary because the dreams we had seem too lofty, too out of reach. My journey has been similar; throughout the years I’ve had great visions yet often get lost in loneliness and and weary when the dreams don’t always grow the way I imagined.

I want to encourage you today to arise, shine and bring those dreams back to life. Everyone was born with purpose and no one’s purpose is more important than another’s. There are dreams in your heart that were planted there for a reason to impact the world – we all miss out if you don’t water them.

It’s up to you to nurture them – give them some love and let them grow today. Don’t give up on your purpose…you’ll reap a harvest in due season if you don’t give up!

My dream is to inspire you to realize and pursue the importance of your purpose.

What’s your dream? What vision or passion have you set aside for the more practical and everyday cares of life?

I dare you to nourish the seeds of those dreams, nuture them back to health and bring them to the Light – one step guided by God is like a leap and can take you further and higher than you can go on your own.

Share your aspirations, and the dreams you want to accomplish this year and in the future in the comments, I’d love to hear them!

God bless, and keep dreaming and nurturing the dreams in your heart – Dear Dreamer, the world awaits!

– Julene “Dreamfleur” Fleurmond

Editor of DreaminSoul.com

P.S. Click here to read the story behind this poem and about a dream that has recently begun to come to fruition for me…

Make a Leap Towards God’s Dreams For Your Life

The new year gives us a fresh stretch of sky to launch into, and a feeling of freedom from past burdens and blunders. I’ve been hearing from various mentors and pastors that 2012 holds special significance, for one that it’s a leap year and that twelve is an abundant number. I believe this is a year with even more possibility and limitless potential, and the year for you and I to shrug off fear and take a leap into our purpose and God’s dreams for us.

This is the beginning of the beginning, make the most of every new day given to you. His dreams for us are higher, fuller, more full-filling, farther-reaching and deeper-impacting than what we have planned so in 2012 let HIS Kingdom come, and His will & dreams be done on Earth, in our lives as it is in Heaven…

This is what the LORD says–your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go. Isaiah 48:17


Happy New Year from Dream in Soul!
– Julene

Christine Caine on Ministry and Significance

“I have been reminded yet again that just because something is not known, celebrated, prominent, or esteemed on earth does not mean it does not have the attention of heaven.

“Never confuse prominence for significance or obedience.”

– Christine Caine in a blog post, “The Prominence Trap”

Morning Worship: O The Blood – Kari Jobe & Gateway Worship

From the Gateway Worship album God Be Praised.

O the blood
Crimson love
Price of life’s demand
Shameful sin
Placed on Him
The Hope of every man…

Continue Reading »

A Portrait of Christ from Jeremy Cowart

Watch how this illustration of Christ by photographer and social artist Jeremy Cowart is melded together – it’s a combination of creativity and intensity:

Music by Derek Webb – derekwebb.com

After the earthquake in Haiti last year I was inspired by Jeremy’s amazing Voices of Haiti photography project chronicling the stories of the survivors. Learn more about him below:

About Jeremy Cowart

He’s a photographer.
At his core, Jeremy loves to make art. Starting out as a designer, Jeremy really only began taking pictures to bring texture into his design work. Before he knew it, he loved photography (and was getting paid to do it.). So in April of 2005, Jeremy switched over to it full time and he has never looked back. In a relatively short amount of time, Jeremy earned the respect of artists, photographers, and celebrities alike. Now hailed as one of the trailblazers in the industry, Jeremy sees taking a photograph as merely the first step in creating a piece of art…