21:03 on Giving God Your Total Attention

21:03 tells us to give God our total attention in this video blog:

21:03 Website

21:03 Myspace Page

21:03 YouTube Channel

Register for Impact 2008: Mission Possible

Join thousands of young people from around the country in a mission to bring glory to God!

The Impact Movement’s 2008 conference will be held December 27, 2008 – January 1, 2009 at The Atlanta Marriott Marquis in Atlanta, GA. Join over 3000 college students, mature high juniors and seniors, marketplace professionals, ministers and educators of African descent from across the nation in this inspiring and life changing event! The conference will feature several speakers such as Michelle McKinney Hammond, Reverend Charles Gilmer, and Pastor Keith Battle, and Gospel artists Kirk Franklin, and Lecrae. Visit the conference site now to learn more and to register.

View Lecrae’s promo video for the conference below:

“Mission Possible” – Impact 2008 Theme Song, Sung by Infinit Impact

Purposeful, Passionate Poetry by Blair Wingo

The Passion for Christ Movement is a ministry that reaches out to the young people in our generation to shed light on the truth of following God. I came across the videos of the ministry and was moved by how they are able to present the Gospel in such a real, raw way. In this video, actress and poet Blair Wingo, one of the representatives for the movement, passionately reintroduces us to the real Christ. Watch and be blessed by her poem:

Talented and Anointed: Center Stage Artist Interviews

It’s truly uplifting to hear stories of music artists explaining how God has moved in their lives to bring them to where they are now. I was truly blessed by these interviews on Streaming Faith’s show Center Stage, hosted by Grammy-award winning music producer Kevin Bond. He interviews some of the biggest stars in Gospel music and delves into their spiritual lives, their beginnings, and highlights clips of their latest projects. He does a wonderful job of capturing the essence of each guest as they give their personal testimonies. The interviews are down-to-earth and really relevant to what people go through each day, and I think it’s inspiring for the artists to be so open and transparent.

In the interview with Trin-i-tee 5:7 they tell us how they met, transitions they’ve gone through during their careers, and how they are using their creative talents for God. They speak about how important it is to be obedient and to be within God’s will in order to reach your true purpose. I was also really touched by the one with Canton Jones who talks about how he’s handling his “Kingdom Business” by listening to the voice of God, and reaching out to the new generation of believers. Deitrick Haddon speaks on how he’s using his music to bring a new sound to Gospel music, and talks candidly on how there should be more community within the Kingdom to nurture future leaders.

Later I’ll highlight in more detail some of my favorite parts of the interviews and jewels of wisdom I took from them. All of them are lively and interesting, and more are added every few weeks. Be sure to watch them all below or on the Center Stage website!
(Scroll right in the iframe so you can scroll down to see more videos).

Introducing Dream in Soul

Welcome to Dream in Soul, a collection of creative spiritual inspiration and encouragement.

Most everyone dreams, but to dream in soul is to dream beyond your own mind, beyond career aspirations and material possessions. Dreaming in soul is looking up and reaching to connect to God, and your purpose, for the reason He placed you on earth to carry out His will.

Here I want to share with others my own journey of pursuing God and searching for my purpose as a young woman, and the failures and discoveries that allow me to know Him more. I’ve always thought of myself as a dreamer, but I have a deep longing to dream more deliberately and use my creativity for the Kingdom.

I also want to share the beginning of a new ministry I am starting. I love art, writing, designing, and all things creative and have felt the yearning in my heart to create an extension my current marketing business to create a ministry for young people.

The ministry I am developing will include a special multimedia project and online community dedicated to inspiring young people to find their purpose in God, and to use their passions for Him. Though the project I also want to use my abilities to help ministries and all types of Christian artists and entrepreneurs that cater to youth present their messages to the world. I’ll tell you more about this special project later, and will invite you to come experience the project once it officially launches in a few months.

I invite you now to join me in dreaming in soul, and soaring into purpose. I hope you’re inspired, and will feel free to share your own spiritual discoveries along the way.