Kirk Franklin Behind the Scenes of Sunday Best

It’s not easy being the host of Sunday Best. Watch Kirk Franklin in these funny out-takes from his video blog.

Dove Awards on the Gospel Music Channel


Word: Daniel 6:26-27


“For he is the living God and he endures forever; his kingdom will not be destroyed, his dominion will never end. He rescues and he saves; he performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth. He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions.” Daniel 6:26-27

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Israel Houghton’s “The Power of One” and “Moving Foward” in Worship


Israel Houghton is releasing his newest album “The Power of One” on March 24th. This will be his first solo album since 1997, and will feature other artists like Mary Mary and tobyMac. EJ of the Gospel Pundit did a review of the album, which you can check out. I’m excited to experience it for myself!

In this clip Israel Houghton talks about how he and Richardo Sanchez wrote the song “Moving Forward.” (This is one of my favorite songs and I can’t wait to play it over and over on “The Power of One.”):

Visit Israel’s website,, to find out more about his new project. You can also follow Israel Houghton on Twitter at for more updates.

israelphotoIn a recent interview with, Israel was asked what worship is to him. Here’s what he had to say:

“Well, I’ve heard it defined so many different ways. I tend to always answer it by saying what worship is not and worship is not music and it’s not singing and it’s not lights and words on a screen. Those are all things that sort of help us get into the corporate environment of worship but worship is the position of the heart. It’s a lifestyle. There’s a mother who every morning gets up and worships God by looking after her kids. And she’s not singing and she’s not jumping up and down and clapping but maybe she’s packing a lunch. She’s looking after the miracle that God gave her and that is a life of worship. That is a heart after God.

“And what I say in the corporate expression is… and this is just my definition. But worship is a conversation between friends and if God has called me His friend there’s something about honoring Him. And conversation is an important phrase because a lot of times we commingle “God, you’re great, we love you, we worship you, we lift our hands”, and we leave and we never listen for the response [from God] because God does want to encourage our hearts. God does want to speak to us and sometimes you just need enough of that exhale in the moment to let God do only what He can do. So worship to me is a conversation between friends.”

Quote Source: BreatheCast: “The Power of One: Interview with Israel Houghton.”

Dreaming in Soul, Part 1: Do Not Fear


Do Not Fear; Hear His Voice, Heed His Holy Spirit…

by Dream in Soul Editor Julene Fleurmond

She tossed and turned all night. She could not sleep. The same thoughts permeated her heart, and her mind was filled with visions.

“Lord,” she prayed. “What does this mean? Is this dream from you? Is this what you really want me to do?”

The answer was soft. Like a message placed in her heart for only her to hear. “I’ve put dreams and hopes in your soul before you were a born, visions you had as a child. Have faith.”

“But Lord, I don’t know if I can do this? What if people don’t understand? What if they-”

“Where is your faith? Who is your master?”

“Lord can’t you fix me first? Make me better, make me worthy, take away my weakness, so that others can be receptive, so that others can be moved, so they can understand. So they won’t reject me – uh, um, I mean You.”

“My child, you must decrease for Me to increase. Have the faith that I can work through you as you are completing the work I have placed in your heart. Have faith that I will put the words in you, that I will be with you as I was with Moses. My power is made strong in your weakness. I give you the spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, and of power. My grace is sufficient.”

“But God, I am so not cut out for this. No one really does this. Shouldn’t I try to be more like -”

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, for I will be with you wherever you go! You are as I made you, I made you for this purpose. No one has done this because you were made to.”

Silence. She breathed in heavily, her heart pounding with the intensity of His words, His assurance. She was in the pressing place, but the only one pressing was herself, her own lack of abandonment for His ability. His presence was silken, soothing, and slowly she let Him take her guard and give her His. She let her breath out, slowly.

“I’ll try to do it God, though I’m not sure where to start or go.”

“At the beginning. Follow Me, I am the Way.”

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

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