Video Pick: Brandon Heath “Give Me Your Eyes”

Give Me Your Eyes the Song of the Year winner from this year’s Dove Awards.

"Give me your eyes for just one second
Give me your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me your love for humanity
Give me your arms for the broken hearted
Ones that are far beyond my reach.
Give me your heart for the ones forgotten
Give me your eyes so I can see." – Brandon Heath, (Dove Awards 2009 Male Vocalist of the Year)

Above All – The Gift of Easter

Happy Resurrection Day! Let’s remember the reason for this day, and the sacrifice God gave because He of His love for us.

Video Pick: To Ever Live Without Me

In the spirit of the Easter Season and of the ultimate Sacrifice made for mankind, here’s one of my favorite songs, “To Ever Live Without Me”, sung by Jody McBrayer of the group Avalon.

“It was all about a man, it was all about a cross
It was all about the blood that was shed so I would not be lost
It was all about the love, that was bigger than a life
It was all about a freedom that was given through your sacrifice
Because you would rather die than to ever live without me.”
From “To Ever Live Without Me”, by Jody McBrayer

106 & Gospel Cancelled – Sign the Petition!

save106andgospelGospel Pundit reported the other day that BET is canceling 106 & Gospel. The show is one of the only ones that caters directly to a younger audience, and it had great potential, so needless to say I was disappointed to find out. A big issue stated repeatedly from others, and that I experienced, is that the time the show comes on, 12pm ET, is when most people are at church.

Sign the petition started by Gospel Pundit, to show your support, and share the link with others:

Video – Lecrae Says: Don’t Waste Your Life

Here is a three part video interview with rapper Lecrae where he talks about how he grew up in the inner-city, and through tough circumstances discovered that he needed to make some major changes in his life. The interview is part of the Don’t Waste Your Life podcast series, a resource from Pastor John Piper’s Desiring God ministry. Lecrae is real about how his relationship with God has not been easy and the mistakes he’s made in the past:

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