Music Notes: Christmas Edition feat. Trin-i-tee 5:7, Chris Tomlin, Israel & New Breed
Here are some great holiday albums to add to your collection…

Video Pick: “Immanuel” – Anthony Evans
“Immanuel” is a tender and encouraging Christmas anthem from Anthony Evans…

Word: Psalm 100 – A Psalm for Giving Thanks
Psalm 100. A psalm. For giving thanks. 1 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. 2 Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. 3 Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. […]

SOAR Youth Voices Interview with God’s Prodigy
Samuel, who goes by the stage name God’s Prodigy, tells us how he addresses the hardships young people face today through rapping…