Inspiration: William McDowell on I Give Myself Away
As we enter the season of giving to others and celebrating God’s gift to us, let’s reserve what we often hold on to for ourselves – our dreams, our hearts, our lives – for the One who deserves it all. The song “I Give Myself Away,” from the album “As We Worship Live” from William McDowell, reminds us of this surrender.
William McDowell on “I Give Myself Away”
McDowell wrote a powerful blog entry on his website speaking about the intent and story behind the song…
“I Give Myself Away is a dangerous song to sing.
“A few months ago I wrote in my Facebook status that I am really being challenged by the lyrics of my own songs. It’s much easier to sing about giving yourself away than it is to make it a daily reality. Help me Lord to make it a reality and not just a melody. There were a lot of responses and of course when one opens their heart the way I did there is a lot of room for interpretation. Let me clarify what I was saying. I believe that some understood and some maybe didn’t quite understand what I am saying…”
“I Give Myself Away” Lyrics
Here I am
Here I stand
Lord my life is in Your hands
Lord I’m longing to see Your desires revealed in me
I give myself away
I give myself away so You can use me
Take my heart
Take my life as a living sacrifice
All my dreams
All my plans
Lord I place them in Your hands
I give myself away
I give myself away so You can use me
My life is not my own
To You I belong
I give myself
I give myself to You
This December William will be recording his upcoming album ARISE live in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, with Martha Munizzi, Mary Alessi, and David and Nicole Binion as special guests. He says of the new project via his website, “While many are still being blessed by “As We Worship” God has been giving me songs for the next season and I am excited to be able to release what is inside of me soon. It will be released sometime in 2011. Stay tuned!”
[…] Inspiration: William McDowell on I Give Myself Away […]