Be New Everyday: Let Your Dreams Flourish On Purpose

We don’t have to be confined to a calendar to have a new beginning – everyday is New Year’s Day – a fresh new start to live and flourish on purpose!
This year I encourage you to embrace your uniqueness and passions, to water and nourish those dreams you may have buried. It’s never too late to live your dreams – you were made for the visions that were planted in your heart so get going! I’m here on the journey with you and am cheering you on!
Much love, Julene
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23
“Do not remember the former things,
Nor consider the things of old.
Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19
The Latest from Dream in Soul Magazine: New Music from Britt Nicole and Group 1 Crew, Alex G on Overcoming Anxiety and More
Music Pick: Through Your Eyes From Britt Nicole
I’m loving the single “Through Your Eyes” From Britt Nicole and so happy that she is releasing new music. The message of the song strikes a chord – how often we pressure ourselves to be something that God never called us to be and how His grace and love sets us free to be His…
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Alex G on Overcoming Anxiety and Music with James David and Danielle Bennett
Life can get stressful especially in the world we live in and maybe you can relate to Alex G’s story of how she’s learning to overcome anxiety – I definitely could relate to the frustration, feelings and am inspired by her vulnerability…
“I have had bad anxiety since I was 10 years old. For those of you struggling with it, I understand now that it can be really serious and damaging. Be compassionate towards each other. You have no idea how much it can help those with emotional needs!
“This is my story. I hope that it encourages others who struggle with mental disorders to start the process of stepping away from their shame and fear. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!” – Alex G
Be sure to check out Alex’s amazing music – here are some of my favorites: her passionate cover of “I Was Made For Loving You” with James David (DAVIE) (the original is by Tori Kelly and Ed Sheeran) and her original song Lighthouse with spoken word by Danielle Bennett – so beautiful, heart-moving and relevant to what so many people are feeling in the world today. All of these young artists are inspiring ones to follow, be sure to check out their sites below!
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Worship: Spirit Move Kalley Heiligenthal and Bethel Music
This song moves me every time I listen and worship to it – the words so stirring in the season that we’re in…
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Catch More Episodes of The Casting Call!
We introduced “The Casting Call” a while back and wanted to make sure you’ve seen more of this comedy web series created by young adults at Mosaic Church and Hillsong LA…
In Episode 1 an aspiring actress Mariah is taken off guard when Jesus appears and asks her to give up her Instagram…
Did Mariah chose her love for Instagram over Jesus? She’s been getting nightmares since that encounter…Related? Coincidence? Watch the second episode as Mariah and her roommate Joy tries to make sense of it all!
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Inspiration: Don’t Waste Your Life: We’re Here to Serve
Life is short – do not waste it! What are we going to say when we look back on our lives? We’ll never regret loving people and serving people. We’ve shared Becca’s videos before (check out her Youtube channel for more), check out the latest she has to share on how important it is for us to live a life of purpose and service…
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Inspiration: I Know from Group 1 Crew and Don’t Rush Your Blessing
“I know that you’re with me, See me ridin – I ain’t worried about nothin…”
I’ve been jammin to the song “I Know” from Group 1 Crew from the album “Power” that is out on July 29. It’s a great reminder that in whatever happens in life we don’t have to worry because God’s got it under control.
I also love this message from Manwell, on how important it is to trust the timing of God and the preparation process He has us going through in order to live out our purpose – embrace the process and don’t rush your blessing. Thanks for the realness and encouragement!
This is Your Invitation to Another World: Reclaim Your Imagination and STORY
The promo video for STORY in Chicago caught my attention and was like God drawing me in to see what He’s been speaking to my heart over the past few years, about reigniting our creativity to dream like children again:
What if we can reclaim the places where imagination has been lost and find the whisper that beckons us to look past the ordinary…what would we discover?
This is your Invitation to Another World…
STORY is a 2 day conference designed by creatives, for creatives, who tell stories in a variety of industries. Part instruction, part inspiration, you’ll be challenged and stretched as a creative by innovative talks and unique performances. You’ll meet new friends and connect with leading creative practitioners. But even more, you’ll be challenged to become a better storyteller. It is our mission to inspire you, so that you can in turn, inspire those around you to change the world. We want to support the creative class as you work to create meaningful art.
Ultimately, STORY is a tribe in the truest sense of the word. What makes STORY unique in the world of conferences, is that STORY attendees have a natural bent towards impacting and influencing the cultures in which they live, work, and play. Our tribe is not just about telling stories for the sake of entertainment, but they understand that great stories are what change the world.
This year’s gathering will take place on September 29th-30th in Nashville, TN.
For more visit
The Latest From Dream In Soul Magazine: Artist Spotlight with Hannah Schaefer
“Through my music I want people to experience the work of the Holy Spirit…I want to bring hope, faith and love with every song I sing/write and change lives.”
– Hannah Schaefer
For this Artist Spotlight feature 19-year-old Hannah Schaefer introduces herself and the story and passion behind her music and the song “All the Way.” Take a listen to the song below and click here to get her EP on iTunes!
Hannah’s Story
I grew up in the small town of Columbia City, Indiana. My childhood memories consists of catching frogs on warm summer nights at my grandparents lake house and, in the winter time, pretending to be a professional snow boarder down the hill in my backyard. I’ve loved growing up in a flyover state where Jesus is frequently the center of it all…
Introducing A New Comedy Web Series, The Casting Call!
Introducing The Casting Call, an original comedy series Dream in Soul is partnering with that highlights the contradictions, truths, and genuine struggles of millennial Christians.
The series follows Mariah Carpenter, a 24-year old woman struggling actress that traverses the fine line between faith and fame. She moves to Los Angeles with a strong conviction that she is called to be a light to the entertainment industry. She is met with surprising challenges as her former experiences of faith does not apply as seamlessly in the entertainment industry.
Check out the first episode below, you might relate to the struggle!