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Video Pick: More Beautiful You – Johnny Diaz

I love the lyrics of this song that describe how each and everyone of us is made in God’s image, with a purpose and beautifully. From Johnny Diaz’s album “More Beautiful You.”

“There could never be a more beautiful you
Don’t buy the lies disguises and hoops they make you jump through
You were made to fill a purpose that only you could do
So there could never be a more beautiful you…” – Lyrics from the “More Beautiful You” chorus

Paige Armstrong On God’s Love & True Beauty

paigearmstrongframe Should I change my hairstyle? Am I skinny enough? Will I look bad in this?

There are so many pressures to want to look a certain way today, and we as girls often scrutinize ourselves in the mirror and compare ourselves to others. I love this blog post by singer and speaker Paige Armstrong, on what really makes girls beautiful. Paige said on her blog:

“I am finding that it is not a style that makes people’s head turn. It’s not the amount of make up or the exquisitely crafted hair. What sets a person a part, is just being themselves.

“Whether they’re short or tall, pale or tan, wearing glasses or not, round or long… it doesn’t matter. It takes knowing yourself: Who you are and what you’re not. Where you’ve been and where you want to go. What you like and how you want to come across.

“So the bottom line? Just be yourself. That’s what’s beautiful.”

“Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

Click here to read the full post

She’s right, everyone is unique in their own way and though society tells us what is supposedly beautiful – a certain weight, hairstyle, clothing – it is really loving the way God made us and taking care of the body He gave us that makes us truly beautiful. Express your own style and be yourself – remember that God regards the heart as most important.

Paige also has a song called “Airbrushed Magazines” on her latest album “Wake Up,” talking about this very subject. I love the edgy rock sound and especially the message; take a listen below:

“You’re beautiful the way you are, don’t let this world define you, what’s wrong, what’s right don’t give up the fight, it’s time, to feel, what it is to be real, and though, they say we should live life their way, who are they, to say who we are?” – Paige Armstrong

About Paige

Paige Armstrong is a 20 year-old music artist and speaker, and what’s most amazing is that she’s a former Make-A-Wish child and cancer survivor (click here to watch her story). She’s a regular host of the show iShine Knect on TBN, aimed at Christian tweens, and her music and speaking ministry show how passionate she is about encouraging young people to embrace their purpose. Visit her website online at and follow her on Twitter @PaigeHasAStory, she’s always sharing something uplifting and inspiring.
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Spensha Baker Lives Outloud

In this interview, 15-year-old singing sensation Spensha Baker talks about her experiences, and how she’s learned to focus on God:

Learn more about Spensha in the video below or visit her website

Welcome to SOAR Tweens

Welcome to SOAR Tweens, a site created especially to inspire tweens to discover their purpose in God. Stay tuned for the site launch.