Help Us to Love from Tori Kelly at the Stellar Awards
I love Tori Kelly’s new song “Help Us to Love” and the message that’s so relatable to the world today – with all that’s going on we need to love! Here Tori sings the song with The Hamiltones at the Stellar Awards.
Dreaming of Love Series: Love Is Everything – Join Me On a Journey of Discovery
“I have found the one my heart loves…” God’s Love is everything. It was a few years ago when I had a life-changing experience that rocked my world. I found myself waking up in the back of an ambulance and then in the hospital after passing out at my house and was scared of what was happening.
After having one anxious thought after the other a calm came over me and I experienced wave after wave of God’s presence and love like I never had before. He soothed my fears away and said through an electric encounter, if you only knew [how much He loved us] and how love on this Earth is just a glimpse of how He intended our love to be. I found His love in a way I never had before and ever since then I want MORE. The whole experience is too WHOA to be captured in a single post but I will be sharing more of it on the Dreaming of Love series here at, stay tuned for more…
When you find Love – the kind of love that’s unconditional, passionate and everlasting you’ve found everything you need. Love finds us and brings us to our purpose in life – to be forever united with Him… – Julene Fleurmond, Editor of Dream in Soul Magazine
Stay tuned for more from the We Dream of Love Series on Dream in Soul
I have this song on rotation on my worship playlist and am so inspired by it. Colin and Paige Edge are a couple who are worship leaders at my church and their music is so refreshing. Take a listen and click here to check out their album “Break Heaven Open” on iTunes.
Editor’s Picks: Inspiration for Your Purpose
In the Editor’s Picks posts I share some inspiring messages and resources that have been inspiring me and will encourage you in your purpose:
The promo video for STORY in Chicago caught my attention and was like God drawing me in to see what He’s been speaking to my heart over the past few years, about reigniting our creativity to dream like children again:
What if we can reclaim the places where imagination has been lost and find the whisper that beckons us to look past the ordinary…what would we discover?
This is your Invitation to Another World…
“Out of intimacy flows ministry…”
Jesus speaks to us in the fullness of time, that is, when he is ready to do work that he has called us to do. Paula Benne gives a personal testimony about how God spoke to her. Her story is so relatable!
Click here to listen to her message from the Fullness of Time Conference…
What Does Intimacy With God ACTUALLY Look Like?! Inspiration from Simply Feli
We talk about intimacy with God all the time but what does that actually look like practically? Femi from “Simply Feli TV” shares her heart and some tips on how to connect deeply to the heart of God. Feli says “I just want people to have a more dynamic and intimate relationship with Jesus. That’s me in a nut shell really.” Be sure to check out more of her videos on her Youtube page – they’re so inspiring and relevant:

Divine Permission to Be YOU!
Lance Wallnau, a powerful speaker and author, helped to launch a program called Gates of Influence at my church that I was able to take part in over the past few years. That program changed my perspective on purpose and so many areas of life and gave me insight about the 7 mountains of society that God calls us to make an impact in. One of the main messages he shares is that we have times of being hidden where we develop deep intimacy with God and build our character and resilience:
Introducing A New Comedy Web Series, The Casting Call!
Introducing The Casting Call, an original comedy series Dream in Soul is partnering with that highlights the contradictions, truths, and genuine struggles of millennial Christians.
The series follows Mariah Carpenter, a 24-year old woman struggling actress that traverses the fine line between faith and fame. She moves to Los Angeles with a strong conviction that she is called to be a light to the entertainment industry. She is met with surprising challenges as her former experiences of faith does not apply as seamlessly in the entertainment industry.
Check out the first episode below, you might relate to the struggle!
Episode 101: The Ritz Young Woman
Love is in the air! In episode 1, Mariah encounters her first love! Will she end up committing ALL of her heart to Him? Watch to find out!
God’s Love Sets Us Free to Play and Dream… Editor’s Journal and Inspiration From Bethel Music
Get this song and others on Bethel’s album “You Make Me Brave (Live)” on iTunes…
Let us learn to trust the heart of Love from which freedom flows and everything begins…
We began our journey on this Earth with the freedom to discover, to explore with wide-eyed wonder, we dreamed, we played naturally – until we lost our trust and fear drew us away from our real life reverie and the freedom that is ours…
What would happened if we embraced the childlike freedom to dream and play again?
I’ve been learning the freedom of having childlike faith and joy since interning at the children’s ministry at my church and seeing how full of joy and wonder the kids are…
Permission to Play Flourish Conference
Flourish 2015 Conference Recap from Covenant Church on Vimeo.
Recently at my church the theme of the women’s ministry conference was “Permission to Play” and when I heard it announced it was like a nudge of confirmation. God has been instilling the lesson of trusting Him in me for the past few years – since He rocked my world in a vivid encounter in 2009 giving me visions of God’s deep love for us…
In one of the visions I saw little kids giggling and playing dress up, and it was as if He was showing me how joyous and free like kids we were meant to be. In another I was in a vast forest that reminded me of the Garden and I was a little girl dancing in a pure white dress asking my Daddy question after question, trying to make sense of life and why things are the way they are.
His response was a deep, extravagant impartation of His love, a glimpse of His passionate plan from the Beginning to end, for us His children, to discover His love and dwell with Him forever and words I will never forget: “Do you trust Me?”
Trust is so important in the journey of purpose and living out the dreams we were made for! Jesus Himself says that it’s like a child that we enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Let’s just rest, play, embrace joy and trust Him, not leaning on our own understanding – He’s got you covered!
And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3-4
These songs from Bethel Music have spoken to me recently, I they do you too, as you worship, dance and stare in wonder at our King…
Get this song and others on Bethel’s album “You Make Me Brave (Live)” on iTunes…
Get this song and others on Bethel’s album “You Make Me Brave (Live)” on iTunes…
P.S. Click Here to Join Me On My Journey of Learning to Play and Dream at The Dare Dreamer Movement