Inspiring Music Pick: Not Going Anywhere From Jillana Jones
“Not Going Anywhere” is an inspiring song from Jillana Jones and the message of God’s love and faithfulness is so beautifully written. Recently Jillana did a studio session at Hendyamps Studios with fellow artist Jesse Ray Miller and cellist Aimee Norris and the result was the moving and soothing collaboration in the video above. Take a listen and be sure to stream and download the original version of “Not Going Anywhere” on all platforms:
Listen to Not Going Anywhere From Jillana Jones:
Apple Music
I Woke Up WORTHY: Words on Worth, Wholeness, Self-Esteem and Healing with Shannon Evette
Shannon Evette is empowering others to know their worth, to live their purpose and know that you were created worthy and have value beyond what the world says you do. Listen to her share encouragement above. Below Shannon speaks with Jay Barnett, therapist and speaker, about love and relationships and how knowing our worth is important when it comes to relating to others.
100 Days of Wonder and Dream Effect with Fiorella Giordano
Fiorella Giordano is a visionary and futurist who inspires us to seek wonder in God through her “100 Days of Wonder” and “Dream Effect” projects. Listen to her talk about this series she’s launching on her Facebook post and watch the first Dream Effect video “Wind” below. Join the 100 Days of Wonder in the Dream Effect Facebook group here:
About Dream Effect
Dream Effect is a Quantum Storytelling Experiment. The story is a discovery and epicenter of dreams that move and touch our human and spiritual experience. This story is alive, and emerges with our interaction.
Join the effect.
Creator, visionary, and narrator: Fiorella Giordano
✨The format for these videos is spoken word, as developing conversation with God.
✨At the end of each video there are a series of clues that are given in order for the audience to interact with the mystery of the story. Each clue is meant to be looked up on the internet and also on real life as well as Dreams.
✨Mark the patterns and any highlights in your search.
You can go as far as you want!
Download the Dream Effect App to interact with Fiorella and the dream community.
Join us for 100 Days Of Wonder staring Oct 4th 2020.
Dream Effect 1: Wind
“This is a Spoken Word Video that develops as a conversation with God. it is hardwired with clues, as this is the beginning of the quantum story narrative. So it is very deliberately written with a strong flare of mystery. At the end of the video there are 3 clues. You can go as deep and far as you want. The clues are meant to be searched in the internet, real life, and dreams. Watch for their patterns popping up in your radar, watch what is intersecting those moments, let God and your interaction begin to shape a unique narrative. These are all the instructions I will give, as this project is meant to be driven by mystery. You can follow in greater depth and share your experience in our Dream Effect App. Download it on the apple App store.
It is created, produced and narrated by Fiorella Giordano.
The wind knows what is sudden
it also knows
how rest finds its place
and how light moves to become known.
Let me enter into its shadowless song
and walk through the chambers of its rupturing change
and truly see
the fullness of waking truth
without guile
as a birth holding
no knowledge of death.
There is not a sound of where I have been.
What I have known
I have ceased to be.
I have become as fire
that finds the soul asleep
something is dawning.
So i cast myself
into the breath that clothes Your words
to know how Your story moves through
this life and how your substance
holds my being together.
I cast myself into the Living Storm
into the wonder that moves the seas,
into the calm that spreads
upon the restless shores,
knowing dreams are more than shadows-
they are music lingering beyond the veil.
With nothing I embrace everything
to become courage
and to know that the smallest of actions
shapes the vastest of realities.”
– Fiorella Giordano
Be a Warrior of Love and Live Your Dreams

Let’s all be warriors of Love… We can change the world when we see and encourage one another, from the young to the oldest, to be our fullest selves! Ya see all those people around you each day, even the ones you’ve accidentally overlooked or think you’re different from? Each one of them is a reflection of God’s heart, made to connect with Him in love and the dreams in their hearts are planted there by Him…
When you get free to live in your fullness you get to set other people free to flourish & live in full color too. We become like the beautiful family we were meant to be…
Life’s a journey of growth and evolving – we weren’t made to conform to society’s image of perfection but to be the best we can be in the masterpiece called our bodies in whatever our dreams are… So dream high & believe bigger warrior, don’t stop creating & loving. You are loved more than you can imagine and make the world better just by being in it so live your purpose boldly…
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 3:20
Do Everything For the Glory of God
“So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31
I wanted to share some light for your day from my inspirational devotional series from Christ for the Nations…
Life would look so much different if we did everything in and for Love. I’ve been thinking about this lately – if we didn’t care so much what people thought we’d be free. In fact we’re already free because we’re really living for an audience of One – His opinion is the one that matters most.
What we do for God isn’t done in fear, intimidation, obligation or trying to impress or gain love, affirmation or awards – God Himself is the greatest reward & blessing we could ever receive. Living out our purpose and dreams comes out of a love for God and people, a passion God gives us & desire to change people’s lives to allow them to flourish because of the light we’re given to share…
“So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31. As God’s children, we’re called to do all things in excellence – both in exercising our gifts and in doing what we may see as menial tasks like cleaning the bathroom at home or church. I spent a year interning at my church and this was one of the biggest lessons we learned as we cleaned windows – how every task and person matters to the Kingdom because we all work together for a greater Dream.
Steven Curtis Chapman has a great song “Do Everything” that would fit perfectly playing in the background as you read this;). What if everything we did mattered to God, not just the big, “important things”? What if we viewed every part of our day as an opportunity to give our best in worship and love to Him, our “utmost for His highest,” as Oswald Chambers says in one of my favorite devotional books.
The next time you’re serving others or even scrubbing the bathtub, remember to do it for the glory of God who loves us and who deserves our best at all times. He’s given us blessings beyond imagine –the very breath we take for granted and the life we live is a gift from Him and an opportunity to serve Him in the big, the small, the ordinary and the seemingly trivial. Invite God into your day and do life with the Giver of life, the greatest Lover of all, in everything you do. -Julene Fleurmond, CFNI Devotionals