Be New Everyday: Let Your Dreams Flourish On Purpose

We don’t have to be confined to a calendar to have a new beginning – everyday is New Year’s Day – a fresh new start to live and flourish on purpose!
This year I encourage you to embrace your uniqueness and passions, to water and nourish those dreams you may have buried. It’s never too late to live your dreams – you were made for the visions that were planted in your heart so get going! I’m here on the journey with you and am cheering you on!
Much love, Julene
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23
“Do not remember the former things,
Nor consider the things of old.
Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19
Inspiration & The Latest from Dream in Soul Magazine
Going In a New Direction: Awesome Series With Tauren Wells
Has God ever asked you to step out of the comfortable to follow Him?
What do you do when you’ve been running 100mph in the direction God sent you and then He flips the script on you?!
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God is Bigger Than Your Fears
Never allow fear to be a reason why you don’t step out to try something that God has called you to. Whatever you have feared is small compared to how great your God is…
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Worship & Inspiration: Survival Plan from Rachel & Wallace Faagutu
“O my God, You are my God
There is no other one like You
Early in the morning I will seek and I will find You
My only survival plan in this weary land
Is to put my weary soul in Your hand…”
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Dream in Soul Inspiration
You are free when the voice of God moves you rather than the thoughts and approval of man and when you desire Him over any dream – true lasting success is not applause, affirmation, fame, talent, titles or riches but pursuing God, discovering and dwelling in His deep Love to pour out to others and doing what He said. #dareDreamer #dreamlikeJoseph #darelikeEsther #desireHimlikeDavid #beseatedinHeavenlyplaces #befree #trustHim #liveonpurpose #Hehasagreaterplan
Worship: You Make Me Brave from Amanda Cook and Bethel Music
I remember the first time I heard this song – at a conference surrounded by thousands of my fellow dreamers with our hearts soaring with the heart resonating truth about God’s love and faithfulness. “You Make Me Brave” is from the album of the same name from Bethel Music. Below the songwriter Amanda Cook shares the story behind the song that she wrote after struggling through years of fear and the journey to discovering that she could trust in the One who could make her brave…
Truth and Love: It All Begins with Trust
Trust is where it all began…
It was 2009 during a dry, lonely season in my life when I had an unexpected encounter that rocked my paradigm. During the experience I had a vivid vision of being in a white dress in what seemed to be a grand forest. My first inkling was, “Is this The Garden?”
There was a calmness, a brilliance, a presence of Love there. Like a little girl I was full of questions- “Father, why…?” I asked. He revealed his heart and love for people from the Beginning, in imagery and passion, an intimate experience I will never forget and could never have imagined on my own…
These words I remember my Father saying there were the most striking to my heart: “Do you trust me?”
Yes. I do. I will follow His way, always. Even when I don’t understand, I will choose Him. Forever… #IamMyBeloveds #HeisMine #trusttheAuthor #theLovestoryofalltime
God is calling you to go deeper into His Love! Your past may have been difficult but it doesn’t eclipse His everlasting Love or plans for your life…He’s been giving me visions of a garden and speaking and singing Song of Songs into my spirit – I believe its a true reflection of His heart for us – we are His Beloved and He is ours, forever and ever…
My Beloved speaks and says to me: “Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come away…
For behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. The fig tree ripens its figs, and the vines are in blossom; they give forth fragrance.
Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come away.”