I Woke Up WORTHY: Words on Worth, Wholeness, Self-Esteem and Healing with Shannon Evette
Shannon Evette is empowering others to know their worth, to live their purpose and know that you were created worthy and have value beyond what the world says you do. Listen to her share encouragement above. Below Shannon speaks with Jay Barnett, therapist and speaker, about love and relationships and how knowing our worth is important when it comes to relating to others.
What’s Your Passion Project? Live Your Dreams, Pioneer Your Path of Purpose and Reclaim Your Wonder Through Creative Exploration
What’s Your Passion Project?
Do you have something that you love to do just for the love of it – not necessarily for monetary gain?
A passion project may seem “off-brand” for you.
You may reason that it’s unpractical.
It might be a business, but it may not be. It may not have any monetary compensation immediately
We may think that others will be mad at us for doing something that is not “disciplined” or what seems like a “waste of time.”
I have a mentor who told me once that our creative passion projects are like intercession – they bring Heaven to Earth – they shift the atmosphere and this realm even if they are done in private.
In terms of business we should aim to create something that meets a need but I want to encourage you to also have a passion project – something you create that you’re passionate about that maybe doesn’t make good business sense. It’s like therapy in a way. I found myself only writing scripts that I thought would sell, or only creating what I thought people needed but often times your passion project is something that nurtures your own soul and helps your mental health and boosts your creativity. It’s something you believe in.
You come alive and will inspire people when you create something you believe in – sometimes it’s to minister to God and grow your own spirit. Often times those passion projects can be jumping points to the life’s work that truly makes you a living, but even more so they help you come alive.
Find and Live Your Purpose: An Empowering Conversation with Ryan LeStrange and Bryan Meadows
This conversation about purpose and finding where you fit into the church and body of Christ is so relevant and powerful for anyone on their purpose journey. Pastor Bryan Meadows of Embassy Church speaks with Apostle Ryan LeStrange about misconceptions about purpose, how to navigate being a pioneer who God called to create a new path and so many other factors that come into play when you’re a believer called by God for something greater in particular industries and spheres of influence. Listen to the message from the series “The Purpose Puzzle” below and visit the Embassy Church Youtube channel below to hear more messages in the series. (Conversation starts at the 1:14:18 minute mark of the video).
Related Links:
Embassy Church Youtube Channel
Inspiration from Marshawn Evans (Entrepreneur, Author, Attorney & Former Apprentice Contestant) On Life & Business
One of my inspirations in life and business is Marshawn Evans, who you may remember from a past season of Donald Trump’s The Apprentice. Marshawn is a “Reinvention Strategist”, sports & entertainment lawyer, speaker and author who is devoted to helping others succeed, brand their businesses effectively and reach their full potential. She’s the founder of ME Unlimited, a consulting firm focusing on “reinvention, women’s empowerment, diversity, leadership and peak performance strategies.”
Marshawn is so open with helpful information and encouragement for entrepreneurs, especially for women who want to take their business to the next level. I love how she infused her faith into the past tele-seminars on focus and purpose that I have been able to take part in. Previously on Dream in Soul I posted about an interview she did on women in business and how they can better balance their roles in life (click here for that post). For information on Marshawn’s books, business coaching and mentoring programs, business branding events and faith-filled tele-seminars visit http://marshawnevans.com and be inspired by her business and ministry.