Soul Dreamer Resource – Courage & Calling: Embracing Your God-Given Potential


God has called you – first to Himself, to know and follow Him,

but also to a specific life purpose, a particular reason for being. This second call, often termed a vocation, has implications for our work or occupation, but its ramifications reach far wider. It includes our giftedness, our weakness, our life in community, what we do day to day.

– From the description of the book “Courage & Calling: Embracing Your God-Given Potential” by Gordon T. Smith

Click here to read an article and listen to an audio interview with Gordon T. Smith, giving a look at how believers can embrace their God-given calling and identify what vocation they are called to…


About the Author

Julene, editor of Dream in Soul and SOAR, is a young dreamer, entrepreneur, artist, writer and speaker who loves to create to inspire others. She founded her own creative media company, Envibrance Studios as a teen, and runs an inspirational apparel & product line. Visit her website online at

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