When the World Is Dark Rise Up and Be the Light

When we see darkness in the world be the light and speak life. Let love and purpose be your motivation to bring hope to the people you’re meant to impact. Keep creating & making the world more beautiful. Never fall into the trap of racism, of hatred, of being the darkness that causes destruction or of apathy thinking you can’t make a difference but be the light that leads others to solutions, hope and a greater Truth.

Ever since I was younger God has put in my heart the importance of knowing the time we live in. One day He said to me in visions, “Jesus is coming back” and He put an urgency in my heart for my purpose. My question is do we believers live like we believe that? Do we see signs that line up with what’s in the Bible? Do we look away to fit in with culture or focus on just being content for ourselves?

What He’s reminded me of for years is the importance of having our lamps full of oil in intimacy like the wise virgins in Matthew 25 so that we know how to stand when the world shakes – nah to intervene before it shakes – & how to be the revival to lead others to Him. Our unity & being one is a major beat on His heart – one of my professors Will Ford III founder of 818 The Sign a powerful prophetic gathering says “a united church can heal a divided nation.” Together we are stronger & have solutions to transform the world & to demonstrate true family and reconciliation to those around us. This is not a message you see all the time – some may call it weird or “too serious” but it’s oh so important & a call God has put on my life. I think it’s a joy to walk differently – it’s kind of like being the Avengers 💁🏾‍♀️ or something – walking in your purpose, and connecting with God & Kingdom family is your superpower – you’ve got what no one else has. It’s about knowing who we are and that our hope is in a greater Leader and 👑 Kingdom. You can take part in the greatest story ever told, better than any movie.🎥 Let us share good news & light the world.🔥

About the Author

Julene, editor of Dream in Soul and SOAR, is a young dreamer, entrepreneur, artist, writer and speaker who loves to create to inspire others. She founded her own creative media company, Envibrance Studios as a teen, and runs an inspirational apparel & product line. Visit her website online at www.julenefleurmond.com.

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