To Save a Life Youth Leader Resources


The movie To Save A Life (now available on DVD) and the accompanying resources are powerful tools for youth leaders, parents and churches to present the importance of reaching out to those who are hurting:

To Save A Life is more than a movie — it’s a feature-length film with powerful follow-up opportunities to get youth, their friends and family engaged in this life-altering movement. It is a powerful indie movie about the challenges and choices of real teen life, and it dares to deal with real issues like acceptance, hurt, love, social divisions, school violence, cutting, suicide, underage drinking, teen pregnancy and divorce.

The writer of To Save A Life, Jim Britts is a seasoned youth worker who his film degree from BIOLA University to work. The movie was inspired by a passion to reach teenagers with life-affirming entertainment—the kind of movie youth workers, parents and student leaders can get behind.

As the new school year begins there is a national movement to bring hope and healing onto High School campuses across the nation with To Save A Life. You can be part of this important movement by hosting a movie event in your community. Plan now to join the To Save A Life Week from September 6-12: 10,000 locations, 1 million lives touched.

Click here to learn more about To Save a Life Week, how you can order the Save a Live Movie Event Package, curriculum or license to show the movie at your church. If you are a parent or want to purchase a single DVD to share with your family, click here.

Check out the movie trailer below:

About the Author

Soul Dreamer

Julene, editor of Dream in Soul and SOAR, is a young dreamer, entrepreneur, artist, writer and speaker who loves to create to inspire others. She founded her own creative media company, Envibrance Studios as a teen, and runs an inspirational apparel & product line. Visit her website online at
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