Editor’s Picks: Inspiration for Your Purpose


In the Editor’s Picks posts I share some inspiring messages and resources that have been inspiring me and will encourage you in your purpose:

The promo video for STORY in Chicago caught my attention and was like God drawing me in to see what He’s been speaking to my heart over the past few years, about reigniting our creativity to dream like children again:

What if we can reclaim the places where imagination has been lost and find the whisper that beckons us to look past the ordinary…what would we discover?

This is your Invitation to Another World…



“Out of intimacy flows ministry…”

Jesus speaks to us in the fullness of time, that is, when he is ready to do work that he has called us to do. Paula Benne gives a personal testimony about how God spoke to her. Her story is so relatable!

Click here to listen to her message from the Fullness of Time Conference…

What Does Intimacy With God ACTUALLY Look Like?! Inspiration from Simply Feli

We talk about intimacy with God all the time but what does that actually look like practically? Femi from “Simply Feli TV” shares her heart and some tips on how to connect deeply to the heart of God. Feli says “I just want people to have a more dynamic and intimate relationship with Jesus. That’s me in a nut shell really.” Be sure to check out more of her videos on her Youtube page – they’re so inspiring and relevant: https://www.youtube.com/c/simplyfelivision


Divine Permission to Be YOU!

Lance Wallnau, a powerful speaker and author, helped to launch a program called Gates of Influence at my church that I was able to take part in over the past few years. That program changed my perspective on purpose and so many areas of life and gave me insight about the 7 mountains of society that God calls us to make an impact in. One of the main messages he shares is that we have times of being hidden where we develop deep intimacy with God and build our character and resilience:

About the Author

Julene, editor of Dream in Soul and SOAR, is a young dreamer, entrepreneur, artist, writer and speaker who loves to create to inspire others. She founded her own creative media company, Envibrance Studios as a teen, and runs an inspirational apparel & product line. Visit her website online at www.julenefleurmond.com.

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